Domestic Violence Outline

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I. What is a domestic violence?
Violence can be defined as an act which aims behaviour modification by coercion. It includes sexual assault, coercion, physical violence, or any other means that could harm a private individual or public.
When it comes to “domestic violence” it includes wife beating, intimate violence, physical violence, spouse abuse, and family violence. Also includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and/or economic abuses that tend to escalate in frequency and severity over time.

A. History of family violence
Violence exists not only among strangers, but also among family members. In fact, one of the cruelest and most insidious kinds of brutal abuse is the kind that takes place in our homes, and in the intimacy of our interpersonal relationship.
In the late 1500’s and through the entire 1600s, English common law began to limit the right …show more content…

Domestic violence against men
"But the domestic violence, the stuff she has done to me, it's fucked with my head." - Thomas Parker

Violence at home, particularly violence against women, is not new or recent phenomenon. However, women aren’t the only victim of domestic violence, and so are men too. Unfortunately, violence against men is not easy to identify, but it can be a serious threat. There are three distinct phases of the cycle that a person experienced battering:
• The first phase is the tension building phase. During this phase, minor abusive incidents occur which both seek to control.
• The second phase is that of an acute battering incident. The abuse becomes more severe during this phase.
• Lastly, the third phase is a “period of loving-contrition or absence of tension.” This phase “often revives and reinforces a battered woman’s hopes that her mate may reform and thus keeps her emotionally attached to the relationship.”
The third phase does not need to be required to prove that a person experienced battering. As long as the first and second phases are present a person