Patriarchal Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence can be defined as two types: common couple violence and patriarchal terrorism. Collect data or literature information on domestic violence to see which type is more prevalent. Based on your finding, address the nature of the problems and suggest solutions for domestic violence against women.

• Define the Problem
Between the two types of domestic violence: common couple violence and patriarchal terrorism that occurs in a relationship, which one occurs most frequently. Overall, common couple violence is not connected to general control behavior, but arises in a single argument where one or both partners physically lash out at the other is the most common form of intimate partner violence, particularly in the western world and among young couples, and involves members of both sexes nearly equally (Paula, Nicolson). Among college students, Johnson found it to be perpetrated about 44% of the time by women and 56% of the time by men (Paula,Nicolson). In common couple violence, the families experience occasional outbursts of violence from either partner - male, female or both (Johnson, M.P) Mostly every person in a stable relationship can openly admit, or abide to an incident that caused a verbal altercation, however, in this situation one of the parties (male or female) chose to physically do harm …show more content…

It is argued that the distinction between common couple violence and patriarchal terrorism is important because it has implications for the implementation of public policy, the development of educational programs and intervention strategies, and the development of theories of interpersonal violence (Michael,