Famous Slave Rebellion Research Paper

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This project is about Famous Slave Rebellions. The project will describe the Famous Slave rebellions and who led them.It will show how certain people who have either tried or succeed at leading a rebellions or rebelling.
The information was gathered from sites all over the web but, I did NOT use Wikipedia. I also used government websites you can check those out on my bibliography on page six.

This project hopefully will demonstrate that people love their place they call home so much they went against the government for their community.

Many people ask why slaves rebelled. Well, first off they were treated unfairly . They were whipped punished in very bad ways. Second they ignored slave humanity. They were not feed …show more content…

During these times these time there were a lot of good leaders. Nat turner had a sight of white and black people fighting. As life went one he had more messages from god. Which lead him to rebelling. Another great rebellion is the Fredrick Douglas Rebellion Fredrick Douglass real name is Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. He was born in Talbot County, Maryland in 1818.Fredrick tried to escape lots of times. After his first attempt he went to jail .Fredrick Douglass made a lot of freedom speeches. He participated in the nation rehabilitation after the horrible war. President Grant suggest the adoption of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which was established in 1870, and kept state governments from vetoing a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” One of the Best know rebellion leaders is Abraham Lincoln .Well he really isn’t a rebellion leader he took a huge role in rebelling he played the biggest part. especially when he said” I, Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States and commander in chief of the Army and Navy, do hereby declare that on the first day of January, eighteen sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any state then in rebellion against the United States, shall then become and be forever free.” So because of these people we’re