Far From The Tree Quotes

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Robin Benway's novel Far From the Tree demonstrates that genetics are not the only factor in determining the characteristics of a person but a person's parents and life events shape them dramatically as well.
Starting off, a main character named Grace has gone through a teenage pregnancy. This hardship has made their family enter therapy; “‘I don't even recognize who I am anymore! You act like I’m just going back to high school and go to dances and prom and everything, but none of that has happened. I can’t even go to the mall without people whispering about me, calling me a slut! You want a daughter back that doesn’t exist anymore.’”
Therefore, this supports my inquiry about nature versus nurture, since this quote demonstrates that the hardship …show more content…

His current foster parents are quite amazing people with a positive outlook on life. Joaquin and his foster parents got into a heated argument but reconciled once he came back home; “‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I’m so sorry, Mark.’ But then Mark was reaching into the car and unloading his seat belt and pulling Joaquin to his feet, and then Linda was there, too, wrapping her arms around both of them, and Mark held him steady and said, ‘It’s okay, it’s ok, we’re not angry.’” (Benway 355).
My topic of inquiry relates the effects of both genetics and upbringing on childhood development. This quote shows the correlation that parenting styles do affect how a child's personality develops, and genetics are not the only factor in personality development. Joaquin would most likely not have reacted in such a sincere manner if, his parents were screaming at him for his mistakes. His parents calmly embraced him and accepted his apology. Mark and Linda (his foster parents), did not genetically make him a young man that accepts open communication because Joaquin is not biologically their child. Therefore, Mark and Linda's loving parenting style proves that parents just as much shape their children as much as genetics