Fasb Executive Summary

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Pre FASB: In 1959 AICPA formed the Accounting Principles Board to help standardize accounting principles. APB’s Opinion No. 8 “Accounting for the Cost of Pension Plans” (1966) was the first attempt to make pension rules more objective and bring them to accrual basis. Companies, however, still failed to fully disclose their pension obligations. Formed in 1972, FASB did not address the issue until 1980 and APB’s Opinion No. 8 stayed in effect for more than 14 years. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 36 amended Opinion No. 8, but was considered to be an interim standard until FASB completed studying defined benefit pensions and introduced new disclosure requirements. In 1985 SFAS No. 87 “Employer’s accounting for Pensions”