Fast Food Companies To Blame For Obesity

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Americans have easily become one of the most obese countries in the world! The average American will consume over 3,600 calories a day. In America alone 1 and 3 kids are obese. Instead of encouraging our kids to eat healthily we feed into what they want. We can blame fast food companies for what they serve us but instead how about we take credit for our actions. Ultimately the consumers are to blame for the obesity epidemic because we are to lazy exercise and we intentionally order food that is we know is bad for us! Through the years Americans have rapidly become lazier. According to studies done in 2015, “20 percent of all American meals are eaten in the car”(Monique Johnson 7.) This shows that people are starting to get so lazy that they stopped cooking home cooked meals. Instead of teaching our children that it’s ok to eat fast food five times a week how about we teach them how to cook and spend quality time with them. The text also states that“...about 80 to 95 percent of obese people who lose weight eventually regain it...body weight seems to become biologically stamped in and defended.”(Live Science 4.) This proves that we focus more on what we eat then keeping ourselves healthy; people can not control themselves and need …show more content…

We are known for huge portions and food eating contest! We purposely choose to eat food we know is bad for us. According to recent studies,”...some McDonald’s restaurants are even offering kale”(Monique Johnson 3.) This establishes that if Americans wanted to choose something healthy at a fast food restaurant they could! Instead of eating a Big Mac we could choose to eat something that won’t raise our cholesterol. The text also shows,”American consumers on average drink more than 54 gallons of carbonated soft drinks each year”(Monique Johnson 7.) Not only do Americans choose not to eat and drink healthy it shows that if people don’t exercise they could suffer from