Fast Food Nation: The Role Of Conformity In Our Society

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What is normal? Who decides what is socially acceptable? Society is full of conformists who seek acceptance from their peers. Conformists are people who abide to society’s norms their ideas are all uniformed . In a society filled with uniformed conformist an individual must try to make a change . We see this in our daily life as we stop by McDonald's for a quick burger. We see this in the case of Kitty Genovese case when she was murdered and while watching her die her neighbors did not help. ` We also see this in our Declaration of Independance as we freed ourselves from the higher powers of the British government.. As a person in society we should try to be different and do what we would like to do not what others would approve us of doing. …show more content…

These actions defining who we are. We walk into McDonald's after a long day of work to eat a Big Mac. But where did that burger come from? It came from a company with the power to make people believe that it will change their lives. In the book Fast Food Nation the author speaks of a billionaire that lived in Japan who brought McDonald’s to them about 3 decade ago and promised his countrymen “If we eat McDonald’s hamburgers for a thousand years…..we will become taller,our skin will become white, and our hair will be blonde” A society Driven by the power of a fast food restaurant. A society conforming to what others are telling them to do. As shown in this case the Japanese believed a billionaire that their bodies would change they would become more socially …show more content…

In the late 1770s Thomas Jefferson along with additional founding fathers wrote a list of reasons why they should be free from a central power like Britain which later on became the Declaration of Independence . In this document we see the first signs of individuals standing up for what they believe in. Jefferson along with other powerful leaders do not conform to the powers controlling their lives and they speak up. The colonies specifically say they deserved freedom “for depriving us in many cases , of the benefits of Trial by Jury : For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses : for abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province.” We see as these individuals voice their right and not allowing this centralized power that was controlling their lives shape them. We see in history people who are looked up to are all people who have stood up for those who could not and stood up for what they believe