Fate In The Iliad Research Paper

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Fate plays an important role in people’s lives, fate controls where we go, who we meet, and who we become. Fate can frequently result in finding love, happiness, sadness, fame or even glory. It can determine who we become as adults and what career path we go into that leads us to do amazing things in the future. As fate can play a big role in our lives, it also plays as a heroic poem of the “true hero”. The Iliad portrays fate and destiny as highest and eventual force. In the Iliad, fate is mentioned quite a lot of times because the characters highly believe that fate is the middle of the universe. Their lives are surrounded by the belief, which if it is time for them to die then it is their fate which will control their death and more so if …show more content…

We can’t possibly change our fate and neither can Achilles when Agamemnon stole Breisis from him. That one act of impoliteness could have very well been the reason that initiated the Trojan war, one that was destined to happen with or without the small maltreatment that Agamemnon showed Achilles. The Trojan war was a savage fate for both the Achaeans and the Trojans, who both equally lost many of their own, including the loved ones. Fate is written in rock, but the acts of kindness, sadness, anger and hatred, can strongly affect the path we choose that leads us to the final …show more content…

It has been noticed that the actions taken place in the Iliad could become impregnated without any intervention of the gods. On the other hand, others disagree with the fact that nothing happens in the poem without the inducing of the gods. The role of fate and the of gods in the Iliad both play a major part. The actions of the god can affect the men fighting in the battle but regardless what the gods do they still cannot change or stop the fate, if it is prearranged that one must die, the gods only play part in how the person will die. Even though they play a role in how fate runs its course, even the gods are bound by fate, the extent to which Zeus is “bound” by fate—as oppose to the understandable “binding” of only mortals that is left arguable. Most of the times the gods and goddesses act in a certain way in order to make sure that things turn out as fate commands, it seems as the gods are more guided than limited by fate’s obligation. Some believe that god plays a more essential role than fate but, however, as mentioned above the gods are merely pledge in the role of fate, as mortals that pledges to the