Fear In Lord Of The Flies

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What is fear? Why do people react to the things they fear the way they do? Are people afraid of the outcome of situations or what could happen during those situations? Fear is something that is different for everyone, how they react, the things that cause fear, the fear that they have endured through their life, and if it could make them stronger or weaker as a whole. Humans thrive off knowing things. Without the knowledge of knowing something you would be scared. People fear what they don't know. Some people are terrified of bears, but people that know how bears act, the differences between them, what to do if they see a bear, etc, they aren't scared because there is no unknown variable in their situation. In Lord of the Flies by William Goulding …show more content…

The fear of the unknown is a very prominent theme throughout the plot. The fears that these boys have, becomes a common factor of their attitudes, lifestyles, and actions in the novel, even though the majority of the characters react to fear in different ways involving fight, flight, and freeze, they are all scared and fearful of something. Fighting can tend to have a negative connotation behind it, but if your life's on the line, is fighting good? In lord of the flies it can be said that it was do or die. Lives were always on the line and always at risk. Although the boys always thought it would be the beast that would cause harm to the group. The beast was in a way a fictional character of the novel. This beast was a compilation of different things throughout the story. The parachute man was one of the many ideas of what the beast was. The boys spent the whole book in fear of what they thought was the beast. The boys were on a standard island, and although they covered a good section of the island, they knew that they hadn't seen everything on that island, which is where the fear of this beast truly …show more content…

Flight can be done by running away, swimming, walking, etc. Some common ways that the boys on the island would use flight would be to run away from what scared them. Simon had run away from the Lord of the Flies because he was hallucinating that the pig head was talking to him. The things the pig head had said to Simon scared him, and he knew that what it was saying was right, and he feared the truth that he had been trying not to think about. Sam and Eric ran away from what they thought was the beast, when in reality if they had paid attention while on signal fire duty they would have realized that it was a man in a parachute. The fear that engulfed the twin brother when they thought it was the beast made them run so fast, and scream so loud. They thought the worst, when in reality, the parachute man was harmless because he had died. The boys try to run away from the island. The boys start signal fires, and try to make rafts just to get off the island. They feared the island because they didn't know any facts about the situation they were in. How many pigs are on the island? What is on the island? How long will we be here? These questions caused great concern over all the boys, mainly the youngins because they were too immature to understand the situation. The fear that this could be the boys ‘home’ for the rest of their lives scared them. The signal fire was the first idea that the boys had when they got to