
Fellowship Of The Ring Theme Essay

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To what extent of similarity does 'A Game of thrones' and 'The fellowship of the ring' portray the concept of 'evil'?
To fully investigate the research question, we must first define the idea of evil. As it varies according the cultural background and time period one is living in, it is vital to see how it has evolved and changed as the world progressed as well.
If we look at the most basic concept, evil is the opposite of good. Often actions that harm oneself or others can be defined as evil, for example murder or stealing is clearly accepted by the majority as evil deeds. In religion we can see a more clear portrayal of evil, eg in Christianity evil is represented by the devil, luring men into committing actions against god, which is the embodiment of good. It’s based around the fundamental idea of sin and redemption, as in the context of everyone is born a sinner, and it is through one’s life a person can decide their fate in the after life, going to either heaven or hell, the resting places for good and bad …show more content…

This can take a heavy toll on the writer’s mind, as all are constantly bombarded by the news of the atrocities happening during the war. The political climate plays a important role in the creation of the lord of the rings, as it is at it’s core a story that’s meant to inspire people and bring hope, something that is much needed at the time of it’s creation. When the real world is faced by events of this magnitude and severity, people often look towards the art world, either for escape or for another mean to express their thoughts during a time where saying the wrong things can cost one’s life. Many famous art are created as a reaction to real world events, for example Picasso’s Guernica being his reaction towards the Spanish civil

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