
Female Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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While women are not as popular or watched so they don't get paid as well as men do. Women and men's sports should pay the same. They put in the same amount of effort and time into training as well as playing so it should be the same income. Men's sports are more marketed so it isn't fair that they get more help broadcasting than women. Men get way more income and budgets for their sport and that goes for all sports.
Women that may want to play sports are already at a disadvantage because they don't provide them with as much money or opportunities. They are not given as much money because there isn’t a high demand for it like mens sports. “ Female athletes should be marketed better.
Successful marketing could lead to more revenue and higher-paying …show more content…

Many people might not even know about some women's sports because there is less than 5% of media coverage of women sports over all.
Men starting out for basketball make a minimum of $897,158 while women get minimum
$41,965 the maximum a women can make is $117,500 which is 7 times less than the mens minimum, mens maximum income is $38,150,000. If men can make 7 times more than a woman as a beginning salary how can women compete and try to get paid correctly. It's not fair how much more they make because it's the same sport with the same rules played with the same equipment. About 25%-45% of that money alone was from marketing, if people market your items you will make money as well as get people more interested. Men and women work the same hours in sports unless you count the time they work out or practice alone. They technically work the same job yet the pay is drastically different. It isn’t fair if they are both the same but one isn’t shown or demanded as much. It shouldn’t contradict what the income levels would be because of genders.
On the subject on that women are not taken care of as much as men in sports, the coaches aren’t even paid equally. They get paid much less, men coaches get paid 5-10 times more

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