Feminism In No Cussing Club

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I could not understand the complexity of how I felt for Marxism and why I found it interesting, but yet it annoyed me. Marxism simply looks at communism and an equal government, and sees every flaw. I am not saying I like communism, I am saying that Marxism only does something one way, and there is no debate about any other opinions of how something should be done. Marxism proposes how an equal society should be, and a look at economics in a perfected way. I realized the flaw and hypocrisy in Marxism when Feminism was introduced. I felt a love for feminism and the empowerment it introduced in how treating others affects the nation. “Perfect” governments always seem to crash and burn, never actually achieving their goal. Feminism is simply …show more content…

It may be set above all else. Our values and beliefs may match those of others, and we may want something to change. The “No Cussing Club”, is a club started in California, and has spread nationwide. While they understand people have their freedom of speech, they encourage others to join and clean up their language. They believe cussing is hurtful, unnecessary, and below the person speaking. They have not forced anything on anyone. They are a group of kids and adults of all ages who fight for themselves, not redoing the entire country and forcing it upon anyone, but improving their own situation. Movements like the Revolutionary War, the women’s equal treatment, ending slavery, and many others worldwide, were important to the people that started them, joined them, and finished them for the better. These movements were a fight for improvement in the living and treatment of others. The people strived for something better. I love focusing on the feelings people have and why, I don’t mean Chick-Flicks and drama, I mean freedom and a feeling of empowerment and an insubmissive will for something else to be changed and brought on. Feminism holds a call to action for those people, the ones who cannot hold their head up, who are judged, who feel lower because they have but a dollar a day, and those who are underprivileged by the government. Before the Women’s rights movement, women had but a voice in their …show more content…

Most often in Communism this is not equally true. Marxism sees the flaw in Communism futures, and tries to have a good go at fixing it. Marxism’s vision is tunneled and they have one goal for one path, for everyone. However, I feel nothing is perfect, so there are so many ways to achieve greatness, there is not only one way. In any movement, their goal is to destroy the chains of society on their race, and advanced to whatever class, or potential they chose. Feminism fights against the societal view of women in the kitchen and men in the office. While Feminism and Marxism collide and clash on standards and how people should be seem, both focus on defining people, their status, and who they should be. I found both interesting and either one of their values put another perspective on the