Feminism In The Workplace

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Patel, Nisha. “Feminism in the Workplace.” The Wanderer Online. Friday Theme by DFD, 28 Jan. 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. . This is a three page biographical database article published on The Wanderer Online. “Feminism in the Workplace” written by Nisha Patel discusses some of the problems she thinks there are within the workplace between men and women. She thinks that women are discriminated on in the workplace. Nisha brings up that some women think that feminism attacks men and excludes them while other women will speak up in favor of feminism. She feels that even though society is making progress as a global workplace, the progress is losing momentum. Some of the biggest differences that Nisha sees between men and women are the …show more content…

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace.” Serendip Studio: 1-7. Print. This is a six and a half page biological database article published on a journaling website. “Gender Discrimination in the Workplace” is an article all about how women are discriminated on in their jobs. Women in the United States are expected to have a paying job to help pay for the families needs but at the same time they are expected to be there for their children and other family members as soon as possible when need. Women are then obligated to work less of the paying job to do family related things and earn less while their male partners usually do not give a second thought to taking the family role but make more. “Women’s changing roles in society has resulted in this workplace problem. Women are allowed and often encouraged to work but they are not rewarded or compensated at the same level, for their efforts, that men in the work force are.” The author also brings out another interested topic. Not only are women earning less a lot of the time, but sometimes are also sexually harassed or deal with a hostile environment from their male co-workers. Many times a women applying for a job, is given an easier position as a “foot in the door” opportunity while a male applies for a job with less school experience and gets a better position. All of these things that the author mentions are important factors when talking about feminism and gender discrimination in the workplace. This source is useful because it explains the different areas that women feel discriminated in and has a lot of statistics and information to