
Feminist Perspectives On Objectification By Evangelina Papadaki

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This essay discusses on the issue focused in the article "Feminist Perspectives on Objectification" by Evangelina Papadaki and compares it to an issue that is also a problem in Romeo and Juliet, which is the objectification of women.

The article focuses on the objectification of women and how this affects the behavior of women. It can be seen that in Romeo and Juliet, the men in this time period see women as objects, and because of that being how men perceived women, most women also saw themselves as objects. The article says “In the regime of institutionalized heterosexuality, woman must make herself ‘object and prey’ for the man.… Woman lives her body as seen by another, by an anonymous patriarchal Other”. This leads women to objectify their own persons. Bartky argues that the woman “[takes] toward her own person the attitude of the man. She will then take erotic satisfaction in her physical self, reveling in her body as a beautiful object to be gazed at and decorated”. This piece of the article tells us that since women are so used to being objectified, they change their own self to make sure they fit those standards that men put on them and how they don't even see how wrong it is. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's mother and nurse is encouraging her to meet this man that wants to marry her because it was so normalized …show more content…

Here in Verona there are girls younger than you who are already mothers. Why, by my count, I was already your mother about your age." This line from

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