Feminist Theories Of Feminism

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International relations theories are a complex web of concepts that explain and shape the international world. Therefore, since women make up approximately fifty percent of the world, there is should be a theory that best describes women and their experiences within and around the international stage. That is where feminism comes in. Feminism is the theoretical study of how women are treated and react compared to the rest of the world. The theory focuses on explaining why women are oppressed and highlights ways states can be deconstructed to equally represent women nationally and internationally. First of all, it is essential to establish the understanding that Feminist theory is constructed from what is known as core international relations feminism, and the four-variant feminist international relations: liberal feminism, critical feminism, postcolonial feminism, and post-structural feminism, these theories branches off of the core theory. Each theory applies a different understanding to how feminism might be applied to certain fields and situations; like how feminism might be applied to an international situation like the Arab Spring. Therefore, understanding core feminist theory is essential to understanding feminism as a whole. As well, majority of the current international relation theories are masculine in nature, feminism is a political tool that struggles to free all women from the oppressive nature of patriarchy. Because feminism is a political tool for equality and

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