Feminist Study Essay

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There are many different processes that guide and examine academic genres that many encounter at UCSB. Academic disciplines, or fields of study, affect the way scholars think, write and contribute to their specific genre community. Within each academic discipline exists numerous discourse societies, and these societies arrange platforms for scholars to converse, revise, and debate the importance and the significance of their discoveries, ideas and life changing information. Every discipline functions differently depending on their exact discipline, but for feminism study (also referred to as gender studies) it is a little different. Feminist study is focused on the vocabulary and terms created and used to define and redefine what feminism is and how those terms are utilized when …show more content…

All academic disciplines present their own unique forms of discourse. Feminism studies is relatively new to the plethora of genres that exist across fields of study in contemporary times yet boast proud and deep roots. Although they are not as prominent in the colloquial, colonial era, feminism and its practices have existed for ages far earlier than ours. It has been repressed by many cultures throughout the world but now women, and even men, have spoken out in the fight for equality amongst genders and races. As recently as 2008, analysts have claimed about the emergence to pop singer Lady Gaga, that "a new age of feminism has emerged" and that this has opened the door for not only female pride to expand but the question of sexuality to be a pressing topic (GAGA ARTICLE). Lady Gaga is a role model for many all around the world. As stated by Williams, "Gaga is making strides in the feminist community and her popularity plays a huge role in why that is" (GAGA ARTICLE). As "a symbol for a new kind of feminism" that "recognizes multiple genders, that contributes to the

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