Theoretical Framework: Feminist Theory

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As stated previously, self-identity is one key concept of this thesis reflecting on the new life experiences of the returnees. Berger and Luckman (1966:194) state that identity is central to subjective reality and is concerned with the dialectical relationship with society. Accordingly, identity is created through social processes. In this view, identity is also seen as a phenomenon emerging from a dialectic relationship between the individual and society.
3.1 Feminist Theory
The majority of the literature on human trafficking originates within feminist schools of thought. Authors backing this anti-prostitution perspective suggest, “all prostitution constitutes a human rights violation.” Feminists were the first to write about the issue and it is in this arena that the most heated debates take …show more content…

The term NGO first appeared in 1945 with the foundation of the UN, when the UN allowed for certain specialized international non-state agencies to obtain an observer status at its meetings. The oldest organization considered to be an NGO dates long before the NGOs took over both the developed and the developing world, when the international Red Cross was founded in the middle of the 19 century.
Researchers of the NGO sector distinguish operational from campaigning NGOs – just another of the many classifications, but relevant for this study. Operational NGOs are those who tend to reach short-term goals by various small projects, they waste a great amount of energy chasing for grants, donations and other sources to finance each upcoming project, and their activities center around making a project in order to get some cash, rather than the other way