Feudalism Vs High School Essay

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When one thinks about feudalism, the first factor that may come to mind is how the lifestyles were affected during the era. The lifestyle during feudalism has several similarities to the lifestyle during high school, but there are quite a few important dissimilarities. The various achievements, routines, and loyalty differ greatly between the complex feudalism era and the challenging modern day high school system, causing one’s life to alter in various ways. One contrasting characteristic between feudalism and high school is the achievements. During feudalism, honor was known as the highest and respectable achievement. The king’s guardsmen, better known as the knights, would put their lives in the most extreme situations for the king in order …show more content…

According to the article “Feudalism,” a “vassal, or recipient, performs a ceremony with the suzerain, or overlord, to declare loyalty.” The vassal swears an oath stating that they will perform and complete requests made by the suzerain. Similar to the vassal, the knights must also swear loyalty of protecting the king and the citizens. On the other hand, a high school student has a choice to be serious in his or her education. A high school student is usually dependent; however, they do have a choice to either learn and pass, or recede and fail causing one’s level of loyalty to exude. One who has loyalty during both feudalism and high school may seem exceptional, but dire consequences may occur if one strays from loyalty. In feudalism, the social ranking affects one’s lifestyle similar to high school. However, the lifestyle of a high school student is affected educationally, unlike a lifestyle during feudalism where it is more socially affected. Regardless of either time frame or social ranking, if one works hard in achieving to be something great he or she can soar to exceptional heights in