Field Training Essay

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todays society in which the police force are so highly criticized, it is crucial that they receive the best available training possible so they can adapt to handle a variety of calls and situations. Throughout this text I will look at ways to better the training that officers receive, also I will identify things that I believe they are doing well to help prepare officers for difficult circumstances that they might get involved with. Management is a key aspect for developing a training that successfully prepares the best officers possible, it looks at everything from how they conduct their training to the attitude they have when conducting training. Police officers get the most training of all people going into their field and there are many …show more content…

Both are very important and a crucial part in the process of becoming a police officer but field training has more practical, useful and hands on training. The first type of training that recruits receive which is called basic pre-service training but is also known as the academy where recruits start their journey to become a police officer. “This training, usually provided at a police academy, introduces recruits to police work and provides an overview of the justice system, including the roles of the police, courts, and corrections agencies. The curriculum also includes physical fitness, report writing, criminal and motor vehicle laws and procedures, rules of evidence, search and seizure, communications, patrol strategies, arrest procedures, firearms training, and basic investigation” (Ortmeier & Davis, 2012). This pre-service training is meant to get recruits ready for what they might possibly deal with once they get out in the field by themselves and learning some things about law that they will need to know to be successful officers. I believe that Pre-service training is some of the most important training that officers receive in their career. According to BJS, the median duration of basic recruit training excluding any field training component was 21 weeks for the average police