Fifty Shades Of Feathers Analysis

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Fifty Shades of Feathers Human nature is not black and white but black and grey. Graham Greene Growing up is tough. It does not matter whether it is physical or mental; change is always tough. It is stressful to move to a new school, to start a diet, to believe that yes, that person indeed won the national elections and not the other whom all sociological agencies predicted would be the final winner. Adaptation has never been a strong side of mankind. People are just not fond of the fact they need to change in order to survive both as species and personalities. And if all those small steps one makes to and fro their zone of comfort everyday are enough of a drag, how would this person feel if they suddenly lost everything they believed was …show more content…

Innocence does not have a color, but once lost, the action is irreversible. Scout Finch, the main protagonist in the novel, is a character in development. She starts out as a six-year-old girl, who blindly believes the world is fair; there everyone gets what they deserve when they deserve. In the closed, isolated white society she is raised in, everything seems to make sense the way it is. She does not question the status quo: she does not ask why being a “nigger-lover” (110) is bad, but automatically perceives it as such because of the already established, and strengthened by generations, associations with the n-word. The moment she begins to ask questions, however, she begins to gradually get out of the greenhouse where everything is carefully controlled, and steps into the wild reality where nothing can be applied to each and every person and “sometimes it is better to bend the law a little in special cases” (40). In short, she gets to know the evil and learns how to incorporate this experience in her views. Like Adam and Eve, she loses her innocence when she gets access to knowledge, but this helps her survive the burden of truth. The loss of innocence does not limit to the permanent loss of an innate human quality, however; it can also be a physical loss. Tom Robinson is forced to give up on his innocence, but unlike Jean-Louise, he does not manage to adapt to the cruelty of the world and refuses to accept it, naively believing that if he escape it and leave it behind, it will turn untrue. Similarly to Boo Radley, the burden of the reality is too heavy for the characters to carry and they get crushed under its weight. Tom and Arthur embody the nature of innocence, which refuses to let go until the very last moment and is therefore, either murdered or forcefully kept hidden from the public eye. It is from those characters the reader learns that innocence is precious and fragile