Fight Club Movie Analysis

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4.2 Fight Club (1999) by David Fincher A story about an insonmia officer who is looking for the way to change his lifestyle. In six month, the narrator could not sleep and his job as an agent travelling product recall specialist for the car company since he often travelling but its still can’t help to cure his insomia. He went to meet with his doctor seeking for help but the doctor suggests him to join a testicular cancer support group to let him to see the real pain.

After he joins the support group and met one of his friends, Bob, finally he is able to sleep and he got addicted to join the support group. He met a woman named Marla Singer when he joins the support group meeting. On a flight back from his job travelling, he met his alter ego, Tyler Durden which he unknowing developed and because of Tyler Durden, fight club was established. At the end of the story, everything had change, afer Tyler Durden get far away from him when the project mayhem gets viral everywhere. After that, he only realize Tyler Durden was him and every tragedy and incidents done it by himself.

4.2.1 The Noir element in Fight Club
The researcher analysis the films through these four aspects:
i. Naratives
The most common noir element that used in fight club was the voice over narration. The narration that provided by the narrator which we know “Jack” to narrate what will happen on screen. David Fincher used narration in every scene to tell audience what will happen. For example,

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