
Fighting Modern-Day Witch Hunts In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Societies under a lot of stress will always give into taunters. Margaret Atwood’s theory that societies under a lot of stress will give in to a person or a group proves a struggle between weak people giving into stronger people. In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the weak people are taunted by the stronger people to give in to admitting to witchcraft. In an article called The Single Greatest Witch Hunt in American History, For real by Stacy Schiff, a small village in Massachusetts is being accused of being involved with witchcraft and they are testing people and most are giving into the stronger people just to get out of trouble. In the article Fighting Modern-Day Witch Hunts In India’s Remote Northeast by Vikram Singh, who works for the New York Times, she …show more content…

In The Crucible, Abigail says that her family's slave, Tituba, was summoning them to witchcraft and she had to admit to it, otherwise she'd be killed. She did admit to it and that shows that weaker people give into the stronger people because she is a slave and they sit at the bottom of the social scale and the family leader is a priest and sits at the top of the social scale. Many other weak people have in too to the higher powers. Many were subject to either admit and not go to heaven or not admit and be handed. Witchcraft was a very serious crime and if you were thought to be involved, you were likely to be killed. In The Single Greatest Witch Hunt in American History, For Real, many families were blamed for being involved with witchcraft and one guy, Thomas Brattle who was working for the government, blamed many innocent families of being involved with witchcraft and all of them were killed because they gave in to the higher authority. Although these two stories share the same concept, they aren't the only two that share

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