Globalization Of Terrorism

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Terrorism refers to the unlawful use of violence and intimidation as a means of coercion, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims. It has multiple root causes that are closely interlinked. In order to fight terrorism, we have to approach the issue by tackling the conditions that create terrorism, instead of terrorism itself. This is because fighting radicalism provides a better paradigm due to the fact that all terrorists, by definition, are radicals. Yet, all radicals do not end up as terrorists.

As such, one of the root causes to this issue is globalization, which is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. This process is often driven by international …show more content…

This is typically the result of the presence of extreme ideology. Ideology is used to depreciate the potential moral inhibitors and justify the resort to extreme actions, including suicide terrorism and indiscriminate high-casualty attacks. This ideology provides a framework to justify terrorism as a course of action. With the main goal of pushing forward their own ideology and wanting others to accept this ideology as well, terrorists coerce others by getting them to sympathize with them. Over time, people change the way they view themselves and the world they live in. Globalization exacerbates this situation by providing a platform for the ideologies to spread and influence more people. This borderless platform allows terrorists to reach their global goal by promoting their ideology to people all over the world. Victims that fall for this ideology when they feel that this way of thinking is more purposeful what they have now. By committing themselves to such a cause, they drive the radicalization process. As such, this leads to transnational …show more content…

This environment is a breeding ground for radicalism and terrorist recruitment to emerge under conditions of negative social, economic, and political trends. In broader terms, weak, failing and failed states, ungoverned spaces, and civil wars create 'safe havens ' for radicalization and terrorism. This arises when socioeconomic aspirations are on the rise but somehow remain unfulfilled. This creates an absence of opportunities relative to expectations. As such, relative deprivation emerges. The growing gap between expectations and opportunities then leads to ideological radicalization. The absence of upward mobility also causes a growing sense of frustration, victimization, and humiliation among youths. With this acute awareness about opportunities elsewhere, they make comparisons to those in other countries which further accelerates their sense of relative deprivation. This growing number of individuals can be referred to as the frustrated achievers. The scale of frustration is compounded by a demographic explosion, growing expectations, weak state capacity, and diminishing opportunities for upward mobility. As education continues to improve, this group of frustrated achievers tend to lose faith in their government when they see that they are being deprived of opportunities and have their aspirations and expectations unmet. As such, we can see how globalization has caused radicalization,