Figurative Language In Harrison Bergeron

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Imagine if we lived in a utopia, where we would all be the same. This happens in the short story “Harrison Bergeron”. This short story was written by Kurt Vonnegut, a 20th century, american author. It illustrates what life would be like in 2081 if people were intellectually limited due to handicaps. Vonnegut uses literary devices to develop his unique style. His own style helps bring out the tone of “Harrison Bergeron”.
In the beginning of the story the author used a lot of repetition sentences to really emphasize on the layout of the story when stating multiple times “nobody was” or “they were/weren’t”. Throughout the story there are plenty of negative sentences speaking of what people used to be like and what they weren’t allowed to do now. Hazel and George’s dialogue were made up of several sentences that are all really simple and random and illustrates to the reader that to them there is not too much to talk about. The instances where the sounds that rang about in George’s ears, as Vonnegut describes, and would then forget everything in that instance. He explained and illustrated his sentences with complex words. Kurt Vonnegut’s short story, Harrison Bergeron, uses complex and descriptive words that really bring the story together. …show more content…

When George thinks too much a sound enters his head to stop him from thinking. The handicap he is wearing limits his intellect. When he was watching television, “ A buzzer sounded in George’s head. His thoughts fled in panic, like bandits from a burglar alarm.” In this simile, Vonnegut compared the buzzer sound to bandits from a burglar alarm. This illustrates the sound George is hearing. It helps the reader understand the noise and what it sounds like. When George hears the next sound, Hazel compares it to a ball peen hammer hitting a milk bottle. Both of these quotes are used to bring the sound to