
Final Essay

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How often when you are on your phone or computer do you think about how much your technology benefits you? Technology has been around for years and years. Each year technology advances and improves our daily lives. We use the internet and technology excessively day to day. Technology has a positive influence on the world because technology is used to communicate with others, technology benefits education, and technology allows news to be spread globally and more efficiently. One way technology has a positive influence on the world is that people use technology to communicate with others. First, Many who do not live near others use technology to communicate with them. As Przybylski and Weinstein of the University of Essex wrote in 2013, “Recent advancements in communication technology have enabled billions of people to connect more easily with people great distances away” (Drago 2). As a result of technology, people are capable of communicating with others farther away as they wouldn’t be able to without technology. …show more content…

First, people often find news off of social media networks. “According to Pew Research, 50% of social networking sites use technology as a way to share news stories” (Anderson 1). At least 65% of Americans use social media. 35% of Americans use the internet and technology to broadcast news. Based on these percentages, you can infer that technology aids in the spread of news. Furthermore, first responders use technology for information. “Police officers, firefighters and city officials are using technology to stay connected to residents and get important information out when it matters the most” (Fieldsted 1). Not only does information spread from citizen to citizen, but the internet also assists emergency personnel. This quote was taken from an article posted 2 weeks after the Boston Bombing. First responders relied on technology for news updates on the Bombing as

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