Final Essay

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Comedy has been employed as a vehicle to instruct human behaviour or to alter our views on societal issues via media outlets such as, film or television shows (Hennefeld, pg 1). Media texts such as, television shows and films influence audience to believe in certain notions. Notions such as, women empowerment or female agency have been strongly instilled into the viewers’ mind via comedy films like, “The Boss.” The film displays itself as a tool which assures people that they should eliminate the traditional belief/concept/ of how women are not as good as men in the workforce or in majority? of fields (Cater,pg. 15 & Falcone, 2016). Thus, the film is an outstanding source which proves that in this modern era women are morphing themselves into being independent, strong and equal as men (Falcone, 2016). This signifies that media outlets have the authority to mould …show more content…

They are a dependable vehicle to make people aware of any issue due to people believing that media represents the “reality” (Cater,pg.16). Hence, media outlets are used as a dependable tool to frame people’s way of thinking. Some media outlets provide audience what is acceptable or what they should believe by being a guidance (Cater,pg.12). In this modern era, media is portraying how our culture is supposed to be now with new notions that suggest what is significant or important such as, women empowerment (Cater,pg.19). For example, the film, “The Boss” instructs or influences the audience to think that women are as hardworking, determined and independent as men (Falcone, 2016). The media texts showcase themselves as a national or mobile culture by instructing human behaviour (Cater, pg.13). By guiding the nation to have a homogenous agreement towards a societal issue, the media is uniting the nation (Cater, pg.

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