Final Essay

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Imagine a life where humans can fight off diseases, where transportation is not dependant upon animals or limited to the ground, where distant communication can occur in a matter of seconds, and where the Earth isn't our only frontier. Although this is the world in which we live now all of this might just have been wishful thinking for someone in the past. Recent discoveries and advancements in technology are the result of scientific progression, but also is every other single aspect of present time. Humans are now able to travel faster, live longer, and explore farther, only some of the comforts offered by science. Admittedly, progresses in its different fields have sometimes been burdens for men, but more often they are not. Ultimately, the …show more content…

Globalization, a key characteristic of modern time defined as, “The process of international integration arising from the interchange of various aspects of culture” (Merriam Webster Dictionary) has been, to a substantial extent, possible due to recent advancements in transportation. One of its several facets is the movement of goods around the world. Given that no single country is able to produce every product it needs or even has the resources to do so, the dependence on importation is becoming increasingly larger. In fact, imports in the United States for the month of January 2015, accounted for 231,162 million USD and this country is not even the number one world importer (Trading Economics 2015). This number, and knowing it is similar for other countries, confirms the importance of transportation in the sustenance of life on Earth. Aside from the movement of people and products around the world, transportation promotes the exchange of knowledge between different cultures and regions. Interactions between humans increase as the possibility of displacement increment thus allowing the encounter of different races, religions, beliefs, and ideas. Diversification proves to be immensely important since characteristics of one culture implemented in another results in the enhancement of knowledge. Among the numerous benefits of …show more content…

It began with the historical 21 of July 1969, the day Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. (BBC 1969) Not only was this a symbol of the greatness of mankind but it was also the beginning of a new era of space exploration. Since then, advancements in science and technology have allowed a further expansion of our frontiers outside Earth and the development of innovative new devices in it. As a matter of fact, NASA is credited with more than 30,000 space derived innovations used in the daily life. These spin-off technologies have aided medicine, transportation, communication, and the environment (NASA Technology). Additionally, space exploration has reassured humans that the resources available on Earth exist in an even larger quantity outside of it. Science technology will play a crucial role in bringing those resources down to Earth, offering a viable solution to scarcity. Undoubtedly, space technology proves to be useful for humans as its advancements serve to make life