Final Essay

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The media is communication channels which information, entertainment, and instruction are published throughout the area. Media comprises both print and broadcast medium such as newspapers, magazine, television, radio, and the internet. In fact, the media designed particularly to declare, enlighten, and supplement the lives of the community. In the past, verifying the accuracy and objectivity was the most important quality of every reporter but this morality has changed, according to Al Franken; “The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They're about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories …show more content…

Independent media such as citizen reporters, blogs, Facebook and Twitter are challenging traditional news. Anonymous users can conveniently generate and widespread rumors throughout the world without carefully checking. Therefore, the opportunity of running into “news” that seems biased and incorrect has substantially risen. Droga (2014) explained that spreading online rumors can decrease reliability of the news and increase many serious issues in the society. For example, there were chaos and violence in many parts of the world when the report publishing on website Big American News presented a frightful image of the zombie with the caption: "risen from the dead" which meant that a man who died from Ebola virus revived life and woken from the dead, or the situation when Twitter user in the Philippines revealing video of animal abuse in slaughterhouses caused protestation and the arrest of innocent people although, six months later, polices eventually proved that information was spurious. These examples definitely confirm the speech of Malcolm Little: “the media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the …show more content…

In fact, presently, this is a global issue. The most obvious illustration is media bias in the United State of America. Curran and Gurevitch (1991) mentioned that it is an extremely worrisome problem in this country because American media are handled by enormous profitable organizations. These companies mainly use media for advertising products and releasing biased information. Additionally, because the United State of America is the world’s greatest leader, illusive and biased information from American media has caused disapprobation in many countries around the world. For instance, conflicting between Israeli and American was more unmethodical when Fox News Channel reported that Israeli policies harmed American armies in Iraq, Afghans banned American products when Los Angeles Times wrote that Afghanistan policies were the original cause of worldwide anti-Semitism, and turmoil in Ukraine when Tampa Bay Times wrote that Russian slaughtered Ukrainian. Nevertheless, the federal government is trying to decrease the problem by using censorship