Final Essay

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How many countries do you think to manage with the democracy? In the present world, there are %45 countries are independent. It is clear that they are happier and freer than the others. Moreover, it is very important that democracy is a part of our life because there are some important thinks about the democracy. If the country does not manage with a democracy, it may lead to starting some negative effects such as how people trust their government, how people choose who will manage, how to get agreements with the other countries. As it is commonly known, democracy is powerful and the best management style in the world. In this essay, is democracy really the best form of government will be discussed. Even though individuals can respond differently …show more content…

To begin with, one of the main ideas is that many benefits citizens from all democratic countries elections are held in democratic countries. Elections are extremely important in democratic countries. As we know, vote based system is characterized by the government of the individuals, for the people and by the people. Elections are vital since the individuals take an interest in decisions to select their agents. They ought to have the fundamental instruction and intelligence to choose as it were the correct kind of individuals. (Mitra, 2014). So, elections are very important for countries because, if there is no election, the country can manage a person who is not loved at all, ignorant and lazy. However, if people can choose their government, they do not choose an unloved and ignorant one and people who are live in the country are …show more content…

In a true democracy, the self-regard of each citizen is confident through properly publicized and transparent regulation pattern that every citizen has a use in affirming. The regular is pretty solid but can be challenged and revise d a good way to accord higher with the needs of the residential location. The regular is maintained, not only through public official, however additionally by using the voluntary actions of normal citizens. those moves are stimulated through the substance abuse that is fashioned whilst we live according to policies that we, as citizens, plowshare in making and affirming. Citizen dignity is powerful because it's miles blanketed by using guidelines and by way of the cultural conduct and pursuits of folks that make, affirm, revise, and obey the policies. (Ober, n.d.). So people want to live with respect to government and they expect the state to respect themselves. Atatürk said that “Our great ideal is to raise our nation to highest standards of civilization and prosperity.” (Anonymous, 2017). When we look at these words of Atatürk, the nation needs to respect and respect the people of the state in order to reach this level and to live at this level, and this is the biggest part of democracy. However, some competing arguments are that democracy has nothing to do with respect and that democracy has undermined respect. But it is not true because there is a dictatorship or