Final Reflection Essay

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“Final Reflection” As said by C. J. Cherryh, an American writer, “It is perfectly okay to write garbage—as long as you edit brilliantly.” ("Inspirational Writing Quotes from Famous Authors."). Freshman composition has changed the way I write. I have learned more than just writing technics though. Throughout the semester in the class we have discussed metacognition and how to properly use it, I have a better understanding of how to conduct database research and I have overall improved my writing skills to create college level essays. Metacognition is a word that I had only ever heard before I walked into this class; yet, by the end of the semester, metacognition is something I think about every time I write a paper. The concept of metacognition is to become more aware their own ideas and how they can implement them into their essays. According to, the definition of metacognition is, “higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes, especially when engaged in learning.” ( Having a strong understanding how to think at a higher level has helped …show more content…

Database research has been the tool that I have used to most throughout this class. It is the backbone of a strong argumentative essay or just the everyday research paper. Learning how to use EBSCO better and having quick access to this tool has made research, not only for this class, easier for me to complete. Researching is my favorite part of essays because I love to learn new in depth topics, especially if the topic can be argued so that I can learn both sides of the story and be able to decide my own opinion. I have found that database research is harder to use than Google because Google has more sources; however, the sources that you find are less credible than the sources that are on database websites such as EBSCO