Composition Reflection Essay

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Throughout the first quarter of my junior year, I feel like I have improved and really grown as a writer in Composition. Composition has helped me in many ways to expand my writing and I have learned many new things I didn’t know from previous writing classes. Composition helps with many different forms of writing skills such as essays, short stories and informative essays. Throughout this quarter I feel like I have found many hidden strengths I didn’t know I had. One strength I found that surprised me is that if I really enjoy writing about a certain topic my overall work will also be better. For instance one friday I wrote a bucket list and the things I wanted to do in my life. I enjoyed that topic and since I enjoyed it my overall writing was much better. Another strength I also had throughout first quarter is formatting and outlines. I used to be very bad setting an outline, I used to just want to start typing and not have anything laid out or any format of any kind. This year so far I have found out that formatting and having an outline is very useful and now I use it as a strength to improve my writing. Along with strengths also comes with many weaknesses. One weakness I have found this year is punctuation and grammar. I struggle with using the write word or if my words are overused. …show more content…

In the beginning of the year I didn’t really know what to expect because I never knew what I was capable of. On the first friday freewrite of this year I could have typed it better compared to now. Now I have more detail and everything is more organized. Now I feel very comfortable with the writing process and my ability to construct academic writing on my own. I enjoy writing and if someone asked me to type an essay I would know where to start and what steps to take. I would be able to have an outline and state my sources and get a good grade on the