
Final Technical Evaluation Report

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This paper will discuss integrity and fairness in regards to technical evaluations, factors used to determine the competitive range, outline of the final technical evaluation report, factors for evaluating price, and examine methods of price analysis.
Defend the purpose of technical evaluations in regard to the importance of integrity and fairness
The technical evaluation panel is a method to prevent any bias or any unethical favoritism in regards to awarding contracts to vendors. This panel can make up as many as ten or more people or even as low as one individual. According to Compton (2010) “Each proposal must be evaluated independently by each member of the evaluation team when the acquisition is not complex and has a small dollar threshold. …show more content…

Management capability High: 10 points Quality of work and success rate 95% Medium: 5 points Quality of work and success rate 65% Low: 0 points Quality of work and success rate 25%
Narrative comments: This is where you tell the strengths and weakness of the proposal
Criterion 3: Ex. Staff Experience High: 10 points 20 years experience and business works in the industry Medium: 5 points 5 years experience and business works in multiple industries Low: 0 points 0 years of experience and has no business just getting started
Narrative comments: This is where you tell the strengths and weakness of the proposal
Determine the factors to consider when evaluating price …show more content…

There are various methods to determine if the price is reasonable. One method is a form of price analysis is to compare all the prices that came from the proposal, compare all preceding offers to current offers, and compare using independent Government price appraisals. Another method is called the cost analysis. According to Feldman and Keyes (2011) “Cost analysis is the review and evaluation of the separate cost elements and profit in an offeror’s or contractor’s proposal (including cost or pricing data), and the application of judgment to determine how well the proposed costs represent what the cost of the contract should be, assuming reasonable economy and efficiency”(Feldman and Keyes, p.270). Essentially this method is to conduct a itemized cost basis which helps figure out how much everything cost and even how much profit. Next method is the cost realism analysis which in this method every contract looks as a whole to determine if all bids are in same range for expenses and costs to determine if the offer is reasonable price. Next method is the unbalanced pricing which looks at all the payments as a whole if for an example majority are higher in price except one is lower then in this situation you use the higher price figures this method can cause overpayment most of the

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