Financial Perspective Goal Paper

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Financial Perspective Goal Measure 1.To reduce the unfilled seat rate The marginal revenue from additional sites occupancy, compared with marginal costs of creating that occupancy. 2.To improve return on Assets To measure whether it can achieve the maximum profits. 3. To reduce the cost Measure the one flight consumed cost to compare with previous flights. 4. To improve the booking rate Measure about the sales revenue in this year compare with the previous years. The Fourth perspective is Financial Perspective. Kaplan and Norton need used the last year statements for financial data. The managers always used the timely and accurate data is the necessary to be provided to do every financial decisions. Financial perspectives define the long-run targets of the business. While most businesses emphasized profitability objectives is the most important target in the businesses. Financial targets usually have a relationship with profitability, it includes …show more content…

They need to file the seat. Secondly, improve return on assets. Only add the Firms’ operation revenue, reduce the funds used, it will provide the funds have a high efficient. That will satisfied the shareholders’ expectation. To evaluate whether the return on assets can achieve to the maximum profits in this year. Thirdly, to reduce the cost, because the Mihin Company is a low-cost company, they may not provide the drink to passengers in the plane, that may be reduce the cost. They also can provide some service for fees. That also can reduce the cost for one flight. Fourth, to improve the booking rate. Improve the rate about tickets-sale. Ticket sales is the way for company to receive the revenue. The Mihin Company should evaluate the sales revenue compare with the previous years, to analysis whether the operating profit grow

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