Released in 2013, Finding Vivian Maier is an 84 minute mystery biography type of documentary, grossing more than $2.2 million in box office receipts. John Maloof and Charles Siskel acted as Co-Directors, Producers and Screenwriters. Finding Vivian Maier was nominated for an academy award for Best Documentary, Best Documentary of Portland International Film Festival, Founders prize for Best Documentary Traverse City Film Festival, Grand Jury Prize Documentary Competition and John Schlesinger award for Outstanding First Feature (Wikipedia). Vivian Maier, was born on February 1, 1926, in Bronx, NY to a French immigrant her mother and father an Austrian father. Vivian, was a gifted unconventional photographer and an eccentric nanny. Abandoned by her father at a young age, four year old Vivian and her mother lived with the award winning French portrait time photographer, Jeanne J. Bertrand. It is presumed that Ms. Bertrand possibly had a big influence on Vivian at an early age. According to the Boston Globe dated Aug.23, 1902, “From Factory to High Place as Artist,” Jeanne J. Bertrand, had become one of the most distinguished photographers of Connecticut (Boston Globe, 1902). During her early twenties, Vivian Maier’s moved between the United States and France. By 1951, having already picked up photography, she decided to …show more content…
Putting a documentary together like this seem to be a mammoth task due to the personal interviews, travel, and budget. In my opinion, the interviews with the families of which Vivian worked as housekeeper and nanny, could have been enhanced using the 180 degree angle shot. Hearing his voice over the camera shot was not as