
First 1917 Russian Revolution Research Paper

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To What Extent Does The Impact Of The First World War Explain The Outbreak Of Two Revolutions In Russia 1917?

The First World War impacted the outbreak of two revolutions in 1917 to a certain extent. There were many other reasons which can be considered, these are the Tsars' incompetence of rule, the issue of Russia being a giant continent and the failed economy. The main reason however, for the two revolutions is definitely the outbreak of World War I, as this factor is the root that led to the problems as a consequence.

When Russia entered World War I, it had an effect for the outbreak of two revolutions as it brought tensions of Russian society to a drastic point. Although, it has obtained some successes at the beginning, there were many bad losses. Russia was badly equipped and the army suffered a series of disastrous defeats as well as the railway signalling system breakage of food transportation, the trains being stranded, this starved many soldiers contributing to the death count, many …show more content…

The factor could lead to the outbreak of the two revolutions in the way that Rasputin appointed his trusted people as the new ministers that not only could displease the running of the war, consequently previous ministers that were in fact loyal to the Tsar were dismissed. World War I still remains as the most important factor in leading to the outbreak of two revolutions, because as said before, without the war the Tsar would not have to leave the Tsarina behind, the Russian population would not be under Alter Rex Rasputin's influence and subsequently it would not anger Russian peasants to create revolutions such as the February Revolution

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