
First Moon Landing Research Papers

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The First Moon Landing
On July 16, 1969 at Cape Kennedy the Saturn V sat on launch pad 39A (Cole p5). This paper is going to inform you of the people, the equipment, the time period, the experience, and how the first moon landing was pulled off by the United States of America. This advancement was certainly “one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind” (Neal Armstrong). There are very many steps that this event had leading up to it along with the thresholds that caused stand stills within this process.
D. Brainerd Holmes was brought into NASA’s project and held accountable that the United States of America would get to the moon before 1970 (Alexander p13). This story begins way before this though in the 1900’s two professors one …show more content…

I am going to be telling you about the experience of all three places. The view of the moon was craters, rocks, and sunny slopes that looked almost like virgin snow. Even with sophisticated equipment a rake was still the best tool for picking up dime-and quarter-size fragments. The squeezable “glass” allowed them to be able to drink in zero gravity. The weightlessness of space affected everything canned fruit would stick to your spoon no matter what. The suits became so clogged with dust that even moving parts became clogged and would not work correctly (Schmitt p297- 306). The crew that went on this journey felt more comfortable in their two-piece nylon jumpsuits. At the moon the Apollo 11 swung around the dark side of the moon making the team lose contact with Huston. The eagle was a radio blackout. On the moon Armstrong and Aldrin were supposed to have a four hour rest but the men requested to go ahead and Huston agreed with the men to go ahead. It took them two hours to get suited up for their walk on the moon (Cole p25-30). The moon also has moonquakes just like earthquakes but they are weaker and less frequent. Evidence shows that the rocks on the moon were at one time melted. The temperature ranges from 230 degrees Fahrenheit at lunar noon while before dawn they can hit negative 290 degrees Fahrenheit. The moon does not have outcrops of …show more content…

It all began with Goddard and Tsiolkovsky wanting to build a liquid fueled rocket (Cole p5). The phenomenal work of NASA in the development of the astronaut program. Along with the building of the rocket that took the team of Apollo 11 to the moon. The difference between the Russian and the United States of America astronaut space program was the Russian program had larger rockets while the United States of Americas rockets were smaller. The United States of America’s space program wanted and depended on skilled astronauts (Aasgen p54). This is how the first moon landing was possible to be completed. If it was not for this the world probably eventually would have made it to the moon. If it would have been later though we would not be where we are in space technology. Even school classes would not be the same everything to do with space science would be different in such a Jurassic

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