First Stonehenge Research Paper

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During 3100 B.C the first stone monument was built that was soon become the stonehenge. This construction was one and a half miles long by 150 yards wide that was an east-west alignment. The people who started building it first was called the Windmill Hills, originated from Eastern England they were one of the first groups with an agricultural economy. They had started out with the large circular rings and furrows. Keeping burials in stone encased tombs they buried them east-west of the stonehenge. Beaker people was the second group which they are from Spain. Instead of burying their dead loved ones in a tomb they put them under the Stonehenge in small round graves.

Rocks that have been brought from another part of England are the Sarsen Stones and the Blue stones. Sarsen stones had came all the way from Marlborough that is 20 miles away from where the stonehenge is at. These stones can weigh 25 tons and are up to 30ft tall. The bluestones are not originally blue but …show more content…

Standing at about 130 feet high it is the tallest hill in Europe. Built in 2660 BC this was carefully engineered with horizontal layers. This hill is a mystery because it contains no burial or shine but is a striking indication of labor resources. Silbury is a 500 in diameters and is 5 acres. The horizontal stepped layers were made by concentric rings of chalk block.

Another monument that is a mile north-east of the stonehenge is the woodhenge that was made up of wooden poles and a circular ditch. It could have been a similar size to the stonehenge but this has only 6 rings. During the Medieval time most of the stones were knocked down by christians who thought they could have been a pagan symbol. Later on some of the stones were broken up into pieces and used to build buildings. In 1930, a man named Alexander had purchased the monument plus when he had bought it he had cleared up farm houses to put up new