
Stonehenge Research Paper

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The Earth is 4.543 billion years old and when it was created it held many dark ,deep secrets that the human race will discover many years from now. The human race is 200,000 years old, but as the only form of intelligent life we had no competition. Humans used their wits and ingenuity to make tools and weapons to defend themselves. Along with the naturally caused wonders that the Earth has provided us with to remind us of it’s intricate web and that it does play an important role in our lives, man also created many wonders of it’s own to remind us or anyone else that we are here, we have made our mark on this world and to provide inspiration to new humans who enter our world and need inspiration to become the best that they can be and fulfill their potential. …show more content…

The one that strikes me the most and fills me with wonder and hope is Stonehenge. “Stonehenge , neither for disposition or ornament has anything admirable; but those huge rude masses, set on end and piled each on the other turn the mind on the immense force necessary for such a work. Nay, the rudeness of the work increases this cause of grandeur , as it excludes the idea of art and contrivance; for dexterity produces another sort of effect, which is different enough from this.”-Anonymous. Stonehenge is located in Amesbury, in the United Kingdom. It is composed of massive stones in a circle. It was built around 3000 and 16000 B.C, Which is around 5000 years ago.Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge. It is believed that the ditch was dug with tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. Each stone weighs around 50 tons and scientist do not know how it was made, but it was a feat in engineering. Scientist are also not sure about what it’s purpose was, but they believe

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