Stonehenge Research Paper

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The Purpose of Stonehenge Stonehenge, a collection of monoliths in England, has been around since 1600 B.C. (“Stonehenge”). The ruins are composed of almost 100 chunks of sandstone and bluestone (“Stonehenge”). A number of the larger stones were made into “iconic three-pieced structures call trilithons” (“Stonehenge”) that many still recognize today. Many are mystified by this monument, wondering who developed it and how, and what its purpose could’ve possibly been. This unsolved riddle has spawned countless theories on the function of Stonehenge.
BURIAL GROUND Some believe Stonehenge to be an ancient burial ground. Mike Pearson, an archaeologist, discovered the skeletal remains of 63 different entombed persons at the mysterious site (Kennedy). …show more content…

Some say it was built to serve as landing pad for UFOs (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). One university student wrote, “I was hung up, wondering how the prehistoric monument was built without advanced engineering knowledge nor sophisticated tools” (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). The bluestone rock that formed the inner circle of Stonehenge, was traced back to a location almost 200 miles away from the structure itself (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). “Gerald Hawkins suggested that the cluster of megalithic stones operated as an astronomical calendar, with different points corresponding to astrological phenomena such as solstices, equinoxes and eclipses” (“Stonehenge”). That early peoples constructed this great monument with their meager technology and methods of transportation can seem like an implausible deduction (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). The kind of advanced architecture that Stonehenge possesses would simply be impossible for the people at that time to devise (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). Some think that this leaves only one possible conclusion: aliens built the historic stone circles (“Stonehenge: The Ancient Alien Theory”). Erich von Daniken agrees with Hawkins, and believes that “the stone circle served as a landing pad for spaceships” …show more content…

Sarah Ewbank postulates that the ruins once supported a giant upper floor, complete with roofing (Miller). Miller writes that Ewbank claims the galley was used for great festivities and performances. Julian Spalding agrees with Ewbank in that Stonehenge had two floors, however, he believes that the raised platform was used for religious purposes (Alberge). At that time, many places of worship were built high above the ground, and they were designed in circular formations (Alberge). Spalding thinks that this common element existed because it was viewed as an insult to adore such perfect, holy beings so close to human soil that is chock full of imperfections (Alberge). Alberge says that with this reasoning, it seems to Spalding that another floor above Stonehenge makes perfect