Red Light Research Paper

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Sometimes in the red light district the man takes the lead in haveing entercores with taht particular women. Other times the women take the lead in the situation. Sometimes there is even a mutal lead in haveing entercorse with the individual. There are different ways to going about the situation. Sometimes it's a tap on the window. Other times its a “how are you this afternoon”, and then stating the price as the man is being lead into the building. Followed shortly after with the curtains being drawn shut so that the commotion is not being seen outside on the street. The women of the red light district do not like having their photograph taken. Why you may ask? There are many different reasonings for this. Some of the women haven't gotten …show more content…

Some of the brothel windows have closed down. The women are being replaced by art. Some artist are now being attracted to the red light district. They are showcasing there art were thousands of people walk the streets looking for something else. However the prostitution still remains among one of the arts. Mayor Job Cohen is responsible for the sudden change in display. That is because he found the red light district still had to much crimminalty. In 2008 he issued 1012. The document is named after the area code. The document is just to clean the area up more than it has been in the …show more content…

And this one amazing thing has nothing to do with sex, drugs, or women. It has merely to do with the architecture of the old city. All of the history lies within the walls of the city. All the buildings were built in a time were they put a huge amount of work and effort in their craft. They let there art flourish with in every brick and detail put into what they were crafting. However the walls are not the only things that are old and have a lot of history. The streets were built around the same time as the walls. They are not paved roads like what we have now. They are all crafted with stones. The stones were not cut to look the same as each other. With every stone being placed they had to look at it and decide where that stone would fit. They once again got to show there amazing craft and skill with in every detail that they made and