Monolithic Myths

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There are numerous monolithic structures around the world . How primitive man was able to construct these huge structures with no advanced technology continues to remain a mystery. In many of the following myths, giants are often accredited with the construction of these massive monoliths. Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England is among the most famous site in the world. Believed to have been built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. The biggest stones are up to 30 feet tall (9m) and weigh 25 tons (22.6 metric tons). It’s believed the stones were brought from Marlborough Downs, a distance of 20 miles (32km). Smaller stones, called “bluestones”, that weigh up to 4 tons appear to have come from the Preseli Hills in western Wales, a distance of 156 miles (251km). According to pseudo-historian Geoffrey of Monmouth the rocks of Stonehenge were healing rocks, called the Giant 's Dance, which giants had brought from Africa to Ireland for their healing properties. Known as the …show more content…

Another example of giant myths connected to megalthic structures can be found in Loas. Thousands of giant megalithic jars are scattered across the landscape of the Xieng Khouang plateau. Named the Plain of Jars, each jar is 3 to 10 feet tall (1m to 3m) and weigh anywhere from 5-15 tons. One local legend has it that a race of giants inhabited the area ruled by a king called Khun Cheung, who needed somewhere to store his rice wine in celebration of victory over his enemies. The Gilgal Rephaim, also known as The Circle of Og, is a structure in Israel composed of over 40,000 stones arranged in a circle the diameter of 490 feet (150m). Nicknamed the Israeli Stonhenge, the site is estimated to be 5,000 years old. Gilgal in Hebrew translates as “circle of stones”. To this day it remains a mystery to historians and archaeologists as to who built them and for what purpose. However it is concievable the Rephaim giants who lived in the Bashan area, present-day Golan Heights, are responsable for it’s