Tra Was Conceptualised By Fishbein (1970)

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TRA was conceptualized by Fishbein (1967) and later by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975). TRA is a model originated from social psychology that predicts and explains human behaviour. The model is seen as general as it is not specific to behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). This makes the model to be widely applied in any area that requires explanation of individual 's behaviour. According to the model, individual 's behaviour is determined by the intention to perform the behaviour. The intention is also determined by attitude toward the behaviour and subjective norm. Three constructs were defined in the model Attitude (A), Behavioural Intention (BI), and Subjective Norm (SN). Therefore, BI = Aw1 + SNw2 explains the relationship between the three …show more content…

The goal of TAM is to evaluate information systems acceptance by users before the actual system implementation. The central idea behind it is to increase the use of IT by promoting its acceptance. The acceptance can only be promoted if the factors that influence it are known; this can be done by examining the perception of the users concerning the use of the technology (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989; Holden & Karsh, 2010; Chuttur, 2009). Initially TAM was developed with the objective of having a theoretical model that will be used to assess the effect of system characteristics on acceptance of computer-based information systems by users, and also explore the acceptance processes in order to have better information system (Davis, 1985). As the model suggested, the individual 's attitude toward using a particular system is a main factor that determines actual use of the system. Attitude toward using is determined by two factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Additionally, perceived ease of use influences perceived usefulness. These two major factors perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are directly influenced by design features. These features are like external variables as claimed by Fishbein model. The external variables include demographic characteristics of the actor, nature of the behaviour, characteristics of referents, and any other variables that are silent in the model (Davis, 1985). The external variables have indirect impact on behavioural intention through individual beliefs, evaluations, normative beliefs, motivation to comply or the weights on attitude and subjective norm. (Fishbein and Ajzen, p