Fitness Goal Essay Examples

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My fitness goal is to gain muscular strength (endurance) and to be flexible. I want to at least get a 40 on the pacer. I choose this goal because I want to improve my muscular strength as well as my flexibility and endurance. In this, my short-term goal is to never give up while I am trying any of these techniques so that I can slowly improve on my goal. My previous goal was to get at least 25 pacers and to get 30 inches in sit and reach. I accomplished muscular strength and endurance because I got 28 pacers. For my new goal I l plan to work on my endurance in school gym class and at home in order to gain muscular strength and flexibility. Also, I will try to bring healthy foods to school and eat healthy foods at home. This will help me to stay healthy and not feel nauseated in gym class. …show more content…

My sister and I also do gymnastics at home. We did a lot in the summer, but since the days are getting cold we usually do it in our basement. One of my long terms goals is to keep playing sports and to stay healthy. In order to do this, I will have to keep exercising and improve my endurance in a bunch of physical activities. This will also stop me from having bad health, heart disease, and cancer. Also, for my new pacer goal, I plan to get 35 pacers. In order to be successful, I will try to improve my endurance and do regular gymnastics, yoga and running practices. My long-term goal is to be a good runner and be flexible. For this, I will have to never give up in my life while I am trying these things so that I can stay flexible and have endurance in running my entire life and also set an example for my kids. My sources are my parents because they will help me stay healthy by packing me healthy lunches, helping me keep/improve my endurance and stay on task. Lastly, my sibling because they will help me go for runs with me and do gymnastics/yoga with me. This is what my long-term and short-goals

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