Five Characteristics Of Social Media

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Definition of social media Social media is a group of new kind of online media that people all other the world can communicate with each other easily and quickly and most of the existing social media is free to use Mayfield, A. (2008). Social media can be divided into five characteristics, first social media characteristics is PARTICIPATION that is social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. It blurs the line between media and audience. Second is OPENNESS that is most social media in this world is open to feedback and participation to all people in this world. They encourage user to voting, comment and sharing picture, video and information. Third characteristics is CONVERSATION social media can be seen from two-way conversation between two users and there is also a conversation that includes many users who use the group to conduct a conversation. Conversation between users is not limited in conversation space only but the conversation also can be passed through the comments on the pictures or videos that posted by the user, conversation in social media can happen in three forms, that is in the form of text , voice and video conversations. Fourth characteristics for social media is COMMUNITY Social media allows the relationship between the community easily formed through the same interest as example the interest in cycling, politics, and favourite tv shows. And the last social media is CONNECTEDNESS