Fla. R. 370: Case Study

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A. Discovery Request has the meaning given pre, Fla. R. Civ. 1.280, 1.340, 1.350 and 1.370 to which these Definitions are attached.

B. “Assets”, “Personal”, “Joint” “Business” means all property of the Debtors, including but not limited to (I) anything required to be reported as an Asset of the Debtors for financial accounting purposesunder generally accepted accounting principles, (ii) anything considered property of the estate of the Debtors for purposes of Fl. Statutes; 726.102 (4), and (iii) anything owned by the Debtors, or in which the Debtors had any rights or interests, including but not limited to real property, personal property, leasehold interests, intangible property and rights under contracts and agreements.

C. “Financial …show more content…

J. “Tangible Personal Property “ shall mean all of Debtor 's clothing, jewelry,furnture, furnishing, household goods, motorized vehicles, sport & hobby equipment and objects of art, valued at purchase of more then $200.00, that can not be claimed by a third party.

K. “Income”, “Funds”, “Distributions” shall mean transfers, payouts, capital, and/or releases to Debtor and or third party agent of Debtor. To include to Debtor 's business interests.

L. The term "identify" when used with reference for a name, location, identification code, of an interest, business interest and/or to a natural person means:
1) The full name and address of the Debtor;
2) The full name and address of business interests of the Debtor;
3) The full name and address of all sources of income, for the Debtor;
4) The motorized vehicle model name, model year and address secured at, for the Debtor.

M. “Motorized vehicles” to include all personal, joint, partnership, business interest; automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, aircraft, and all forms of watercraft rergistered in the United States and foreign.

N. “Court Ordered Judgement”, “Aboved Styled Case”, shall mean a June 24, 2010, Broward County 17Th Judicial Circuit Court Order Judgment, recorded in Broward County Florida as; SEAN THOMAS v. LAKE HART DEVELOPER, LLC; et al, case number: 07-14768 (25). The Debtors place of