The Florida Administrative Code 64-J And Florida Statute

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Statutes Versus Codes Kyle Bustamante December 4, 2015 Fall B Charlotte Campus Statutes and Codes play a very important roll in the world of the Emergency Medical Service. They lay the foundation for how emergency medical services (EMS) agencies have to operate. The Florida Administrative Code 64-J and Florida Statute Chapter 401 define many things in this field. Some of them being the certifications given to you through passing tests and your scope of practice that you must work within. The most important thing that they define is how instructors, schools, ambulance licensing, trauma centers, etc., have to run. These documents go as far as laying out the penalties if you violate any of the regulations. The Florida Administrative Code 64-J and Florida Statute Chapter 401 have many similarities. Both the Florida Administrative Code 64-J and Florida Statute Chapter 401 stress Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) licensing. Code 64-J talks about the requirements that agencies must meet in order to be able to have their trucks certified to operate on the streets; also it tells the agencies what are the minimum amount of supplies the trucks must have on both Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support trucks. According to Florida Administrative Code 64-J (2009): (4) Every provider, except those exempted in …show more content…

One of them being Code 64-J talks about rules and regulations for neonatal transports and Florida Statute Chapter 401 does not. Another difference is Code 64-J talks about emergency treatments of insect stings, while Chapter 401 talks about protocols with poison control centers. A third difference between the two is Code 64-J talks about the minimum qualifications one needs in order to be a EMS instructor, and Chapter 401 talks about the minimum requirements it takes to be able to run EMS training