Flappers: The Iconic Depictions Of The 1920s

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Flappers one of the most iconic depictions of the 1920s. From scandalous clothing to exotic dancing they were defined as new women. As a way to fight for women's rights and freedoms, to be heard and seen flappers were the new way to be. In 1920 the law for women to be able to vote was passed. With their newfound freedom, these women expressed their liberation by abandoning the past traditions of their parents and grandparents Victorian era values. These women started cutting their hair short into a bob-like style. They tossed out the polonaise dress style for thinner, shorter, sleeveless, and low cut dresses. Women started wearing bold cosmetics on their faces. The style was seen as feminine, fun, and professional. It was good for partying and for a good day's work. These women were known as flappers. …show more content…

They were wild and exotic and did it in style. Most people nowadays see flappers as fun and joyous when it comes to the roaring 20s. But, not everyone was a fan of flappers back then. Some people viewed flappers as ruining the nation. Too reckless, unintelligent, improper, and too “naked” was the top buzz coming from critics. Laws were put in place to stop flappers as if prohibition stopped them from drinking. Utah attempted to pass a law for the length of womens skirts and dresses. Virginia tried to ban clothing that showed too much of a womens throat. Ohio tried banning form fitting outfits. But, did it work of course not. Police would arrest women on beaches for wearing bathing suits that were not