Flavio Poverty

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Do you know what is it like to have to carry to and from your home throughout the day just for drinking water? Close to half of our world lives on less than $2.50 a day and more than
1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty. Sometimes it is hard to be grateful for what is provided for us until we leave our bodies and put ourselves in the place of a boy like Flavio in the Brazilian slums. It is important that we be selfless and help those around us in need. The essay Flavio's home shows the side of Brazil struggling, the personal impact of poverty on a family, and the endeavors of living in poverty and understanding them on a level you can connect to.
To begin, Brazil is estimated to have about 22% of its population living under the poverty line. This …show more content…

Education is a luxury not shared by all children in this world. Many children lack healthcare like Flavio and his family, and when they get an illness that could often be cured by modern medicine, in many cases these poor children end up being a lost cause and pass away. Having a large family and little food supply creates a system where the food is rationed out and a lot of the time someone in the family remains hungry and this persistent hunger results in malnutrition.
Though almost all of the effects of poverty on Flavio's family are negative there are a few positive impacts. Flavio offered what little food he had to the journalists because it is common courtesy even though he did not expect them to accept. The young man also put his siblings’ lives before his own in the case of his health. When Flavio knew that he had little time left, after he went to the doctor, he stated that he wasn't scared for himself it was his brothers and sister he worried for. The Da Silva family morals have good representations of what many Americans could aspire to grow within themselves, such as the humbleness and appreciation shown by the family. Furthermore, living in poverty is not an easy way to live which is expressed