Fletcher's Theories Of Moral Relativism And Abortion

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In this essay, will explain how a moral relativist might approach the issues raised by abortion. Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards and morality are culturally based and therefore subject to a person’s individual choice. Examples of teleological approaches are situation ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics and emotivism.
Situation ethics was introduced by Joseph Fletcher during the 1960 's.Joseph Fletcher believed in the Christian unconditional love: agape. He believed that we should follow the rules until we need to break them for reasons of love. He used four key principles which he aimed to fulfil in writing his theory: relativism, which refers to no fixed rules. Fletcher believes that abortion is evil but may be ‘the lesser of two evils’, morally right only if the purpose was out of love, for instance, a woman has been raped, and abortion may be an act of love. In exceptional circumstances the situation might demand a different, loving response. Abortion would be an exception in extreme circumstances.
Similarly, utilitarian believes to act in the best interests of others but unlike situation ethics they believe in the greater amount of pleasure over the least amount of pain. Jeremy Bentham would argue whether having an abortion brings about the greatest good. Having abortion because of …show more content…

Eudemonia is a Greek word for happiness the supreme goal of human life. Aristotle believed that everything has a purpose - the good for a knife is to cut, and a good knife is one that cuts well. In the same way, Eudemonia is the 'good ' for a person. Aristotle made a distinction between subordinate aims and superior aims. Subordinate aims are small ambition whereas, superior aims are what would allow you to eudemonia

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