Flora Macdonald happily married Allen Macdonald, a distant relative, in 1750, but they would not remain happy for long (Quynn 245). In 1772 Flora wrote to John Mackenzie thanking him for arranging her son’s education and then saying …and repeated friendships shown to me and this family; of which there will soon be no rememberanc in this poor miserable Island, the best of its inhabitance are making ready to follow theire friends to America…and among the rest we are to go, especially as we cannot promise ourselves but poverty and oppression” (Macdonald 1). She then continues to list their misfortunes as well as mention that Allen was ill and incapable of writing this letter. It could not have been easy to leave her homeland, but Flora made …show more content…
After refusing to swear to an oath of allegiance to the American rebels, she was taken prisoner (Kelly 82). She was questioned by a provincial committee, but just like in London during her imprisonment, stood out for the better (Quynn 250). Her husband’s cousin all the way in Novia Scotia heard about her troubles in North Carolina and wrote to Allen on 31 December 1777 saying “I am happy to hear of Mrs. Macdonald’s Welfare & her Spirited behavior when brot before the Committee of Rascals in North Carolina. I don’t doubt but she & the other Gentlewomen there will be sorely oppressed by the Savage Cruelty of those wretches who at present has the Upper hand of them…”(Quynn 250). Although the cousin was prejudiced against the newly liberated Americans, Flora’s cousin does make an accurate observation of Flora Macdonald’s treatment in America. No one should be forced to watch their house, with all their belongs burn and then have no where to go. As the cousin said, however, Flora Macdonald responded to her oppressors in the same manner she responded to all misfortune, bravely and spiritedly. Flora Macdonald by this time, as a grandmother was fifty-seven years old, which in the 1770’s is very